The Amberton University Policies and Regulations Manual predominately covers issues relative to corporative philosophy, employees and work standards. The Amberton University Academic Catalog (which includes the Student’s Handbook) relates to issues applicable to individuals who seek to become students, or who are students of Amberton University. The Policies and Regulations Manual and the Academic Catalog constitute the whole of the policies and regulations of Amberton University. Other publications, such as handbooks designed for a specific program area, can be found on the Publications section of the University's website
GOVERNANCE/POLICY: Policies and Regulations 1-99
[3] Purpose Statement / [5] The President / [6] Governing Body / [7] Ethical Standards of the University / [8] Nondiscrimination / [9] Wages, Salaries, Fringe Benefits / [20] Due Process/ [26] Conflict of Interest/ [28] The Reelection of Board Members / [30] Academic Freedom and Responsibility / [35] Intellectual Property / [45] Restriction Statement on Retirement Funds / [50] Awarding Honorary Degrees / [52] Legal Procedures / [60] Investment Policy /[65] Endowment Funds [70] Indemnification Policy
INSTITUTIONAL GOALS: Policies and Regulations 100-199
[110] Strategic Planning / [125] Department Goals / [130] Amberton University Technologies/ [140] Standards for Safeguarding Employee and Student Information/ [145] Identity Theft Prevention Program
ADMINISTRATIVE: Policies and Regulations 200-299
[201] Administrative Positions / [203] Employee Conduct and Work Rules / [205] Nondiscrimination / [206] Employee Mandatory Reporting / [207] Sexual Misconduct / [208] Hiring Practice / [209] Resignation/Termination / [210] Classification and Employment Procedures / [212] Supervision of Librarian / [215] Nepotism and Professional Relationships / [218] Acceptance of Employment / [220] Change of Address Notice / [221] No Smoking / [224] Public Information on Employees / [226] Taking Coursework (Adm., Faculty, Staff) / [227] Employment Outside the University / [233] Personal Use of University Equipment / [234] Wireless Network Acceptable Use Policy [235] Use of Amberton University's Name / [236] Technology Usage / [237] Amberton University's Drug/Alcohol Abuse Regulation / [239] Mail Service/ [240] Employee Benefits / [243] Personal Family or Medical Leave / [245] Agency Visits and Reports / [247] Amberton University Emergency Plan / [250] Approval for Texas School Counseling Exam / [251] Reporting of Crimes on Amberton University Premises / [253] Life-Threatening Illnesses in the Workplace / [256] Paydays / [259] Administrative Pay Corrections / [263] Business Travel Expenses / [265] Campus Carry / [270] Substantive Change / [275] Constitution Day / [278] Awarding of Posthumous Degrees
ORGANIZATION - STAFF: Policies and Regulations 300-399
[312] Introductory Period / [314] Performance Appraisal / [319] Staff Termination Procedure / [325] Staff Organizations / [336] Employee Grievance and Appeals
ORGANIZATION - FACULTY: Policies and Regulations 400-499
[405] Faculty Appointment, Procedures & Requirements for Teaching / [406] Faculty Teaching / [407] Faculty Rank / [409] Faculty Employment Records / [410] The Faculty Association / [412] The Faculty Council / [415] Academic Division Coordinators / [417] Faculty Responsibilities / [419] Evaluation of the Professoriate / [427] Faculty Grievance and Appeal / [431] Leaves of Absence / [433] Faculty Development / [437] Visiting Class Speakers / [439] Faculty Production and Use of Teaching Materials / [440] Withdrawing a Student/ [441] Walked Classes / [443] Faculty: Conflict of Interest/ [447] Faculty Research / [453] Development, Maintenance and Assessment of Courses/Programs / [461] Grade Books / [468] Course Master File
FINANCIAL/LEGAL: Policies and Regulations 500-599
[501] Budget Planning / [503] Budget Control / [505] Receipts / [508] Direct Billing/Student's Financial Responsibility / [510] Technology / [512] On-Line University Reports/ [515] Institutional Purchases / [517] Financial Information / [525] Facility/Plant Development / [530] Faculty Overload Pay / [535] Compensation Rate Schedule for Part-time Faculty / [536] Full-time Administrators/Professional Staff Teaching / [537] Travel Allowance for Full-time Teaching Outside Dallas County / [540] Guidelines for Changing Name on Record / [545] Whistleblower Protection Policy
ACADEMIC (INCLUDES LIBRARY): Policies and Regulations 600-699
[610] Academic Calendar / [615] Definition of Credit Hour / [622] The Recording of Academic Grades / [633] Distance Education /[640] Technology Usage/ [653] Withdrawal From the University /[681] Academic Appeal of University Administrators / [684] The Library Resource Center / [685] Library Development Plan
PUBLIC INFORMATION/DEVELOPMENT: Policies and Regulations 700-799
[710] Public Information / [730] University Publications / [740] Alumni Association
STUDENTS: Policies and Regulations 800-899
[807] The Amberton University Philosophy / [810] Integrity Standards of the University / [812] Retention & Dismissal Policy - School Counseling Students / [815] Disability Services for Students / [817] Dress Code / [822] Student Publications / [825] Students' Rights - Educational Records / [840] Privacy Rights on Grades / [860] Student Government/Participation in Decision Making
FINANCIAL AID: Policies and Regulations 900-999
[905] AUFA Principles of Good Practice / [907] AUFA Code of Conduct for FA Staff / [909] AUFA Division of Responsibility / [912] AUFA Confidentiality of Financial Aid Records / [915] AUFA Enrollment Status for Title IV Funds / [918] AUFA Satisfactory Academic Progress / [921] AUFA Policy on Repeated Coursework / [924] AUFA Federal Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) / [925] AUFA Return of Tuition Assistance Funds Active Duty Military / [927] AUFA Financial Aid Audit and Program Review / [930] AUFA Financial Aid Disclaimers and Notices