Number: 540



Changes Allowed to Names

You may not drop, alter, or change your first name without legal documentation such as a birth certificate, court order, Certificate of Naturalization, or passport. International students may not alter any portion of their name from the way it appears on their passport.

You may change your given middle name to a middle initial (Ex: Change "Sue" to "S.") without legal documentation. When changing your name based on a marriage license, you may change your middle name to an initial. The maiden name may be added or used instead of the given middle name. When changing your name based on a court order or Certificate of Naturalization, you may use the middle name shown on the court order or use the initial only. International students may not alter any portion of their name from the way it appears on their passport.

Your last name may be changed only on the basis of a marriage license, divorce decree granting a return to the maiden name, Certificate of Naturalization, or court order. When changing your name based on a marriage license, the maiden name may be dropped completely, or it may be used with the married name. A combined surname will be hyphenated.

You may add an extension after your surname only when the extension appears on your birth certificate or current U.S. passport.

Documentation Required by Reason

Students requesting a name change are expected to present original legal documents to support their name change request. A copy of the document will be made and included in the student's permanent record file. The original document will be returned to the student.
Students requesting a name change by mail may submit a photocopy of the legal document with an original notary public seal or county certification stamp to verify the authenticity and correctness of the document.  Mailed copies will not be returned to the student.

MARRIAGE: Original marriage license bearing the filing stamp from the county or parish in which the license was issued. Church-issued marriage certificates are not acceptable documentation for a name change.

DIVORCE: Original divorce decree, including a specific clause granting restoration of the maiden name. The decree must be signed by the presiding judge and bear the county filing stamp.

COURT ORDER: Original court order signed by the presiding judge and bearing the county filing stamp.

CITIZENSHIP BY NATURALIZATION: Original Certification of Naturalization.

CORRECTING AN ERROR ON THE ADMISSION APPLICATION: Birth certificate or current, valid passport. NOTE: International students' names in official University records must match the name on their passport.