Number: 681
When an
1. To begin the appeal process, the complaint
must be in writing.
2. The appeal will immediately be forwarded to a
non-involved Vice President for handling.
3. The Vice President for Strategic Services
will inform the class professor of the complaint and the professor will/may
reply to the complaint in writing.
4. The Vice President will select an appeal
committee of no fewer than three faculty and forward
both the student's complaint and the professor's response to the faculty
committee for review.
5. The committee will review the appeal and
render a confidential judgment (committee members who voted, how they voted, will
be kept confidential).
6. The conclusion of the committee will be
forwarded to the student. The committee's findings will be final.
This appeal process shall be made
available to all students who enroll in a class taught by a professor who holds
the administrative rank of Vice President or higher with the University. The
student should review this appeal process and if it does not meet with his/her
approval, the student should not enroll in the class.