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The responsibility for strategic planning and control rests with the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation who has the specific duty to oversee and control the essential planning elements of the University. In order to handle the daily activities and coordination of strategic planning and control, a Vice President for Strategic Services will serve as the University’s Chief Research Officer(CRO).
The concept of strategic planning and control (SP/C) is best understood by defining terms. Strategic refers to all the elements that are critical and essential to the present and future operations of the University. Planning is the detailing of a scheme or method for the accomplishment of an objective. Thus, strategic planning implies the defining of goals or objectives, as well as identifying the methodologies to be employed for accomplishing the goals.
Control is the process whereby factual pieces of information are gathered, interpreted, and compared to predefined standards to assure quality standards and goal satisfaction.
The planning and control functions of the Office for SP/C are designed to assist the administration in making managerial decisions. The SP/C office is involved in mission reviewing, goal setting/attaining, self analyzing, future projecting, and future planning. From these endeavors, a broad model is developed. The model is designed to produce not a rigid plan but a flexible profile--not a blueprint but a framework for action--not immutable goals or objectives but an image of the future intended for the University.
Amberton University's strategic planning purposefully avoids the concept of "a short-term plan" or "a long-range plan." At Amberton University, strategic planning is a process that has no end. It has benchmarks, but planning will not reach completion in eighteen months or in five years. Regularly, goals are reviewed as objectives, as accomplished and as new goals and objectives are developed. If a goal is worthy of accomplishment, whether it takes a year, five years, or ten years, it will be pursued until achieved. Thus, the strategic planning process of Amberton University is a continuous, sliding plan that is composed of goals and objectives of both a short-term and long-term perspective. To Amberton University, strategic planning is an ongoing process of planning steps that allow for continuous reevaluation and reshaping of the University's future.
The Chief Research Officer utilizes the Strategic Planning and Control Manual to assure compliance to the mission statement of the University and to control the process for formulating and completing institutional goals and objectives.
The strategic planning function of the University is ongoing, with formal reviews and updates made annually.
The Administrative Council and the University’s Strategic Planning Committee (composed of staff and faculty personnel) will annually evaluate (1) the assessment techniques utilized, (2) the variables and factors considered in the evaluation process, and (3) the clarity of presentations and interpretations of finds of the strategic planning process. Approved recommendations will be incorporated into the Strategic Planning and Control Manual and followed in assessing institutional outcomes and futures.
Amberton University will be presented as a Christian-based, adult-oriented, upper-level and graduate educational institution to both the public and its constituencies.
Amberton University will provide a physical environment that is esthetically pleasing and designed to meet the needs of the mature learner.
Amberton University will be committed to Christian ethics in education and will exemplify this commitment in lifestyle, personal commitment, and teaching philosophy.
Amberton University will employ a faculty, staff, and administration that are academically qualified and philosophically committed to the adult, Christian, specialized university.
Amberton University will integrate technologies and innovative teaching methods throughout the institution.
Amberton University will provide for its students learning resources and services that support the innovative, specialized atmosphere.
Amberton University will develop innovative, relevant academic programs designed to meet the needs of the adult student and will develop instruments to evaluate the success of all academic programs.
Amberton University will respond to its mature students’ educationally-related needs and will, when appropriate and possible, contribute to their social, moral, intellectual, and professional development.
Amberton University will maintain fiscal responsibility and utilize all funds to directly related educational endeavors.
Amberton University will not limit educational endeavors to a physical campus but rather will seek locations as well as distance learning opportunities to enhance academic programs as resources permit.
Amberton University will enroll a sufficient number of students to utilize the University resources and facilities.
Amberton University will be an innovative educational entity with the belief that we are a society in which all are learners.
Amberton University will involve the entire university community in setting and assessing goals and objectives.