Number: 517
As an independent institution, Amberton University receives no support from taxation. Funds for educational operations come from the tuition and fees paid by students and from gifts and grants from concerned individuals and organizations.
Financial information is included in the Schedule of Classes issued by Amberton University prior to the beginning of each session. Detailed information concerning tuition, fees, and other expenses that might be incurred while attending Amberton University is included in the schedule.
The Schedule of Classes can be obtained on-line via the internet, by visiting Amberton University or, upon request, it will be mailed.
All costs of tuition and fees are due and payable at the time of enrollment. Cash, personal or company check, and major credit cards are accepted as forms of payment. Students who can prove financial integrity to the satisfaction of the University may make application to defer their educational costs when registering. To be considered for deferred payment options, a student must have a valid major credit card and/or an acceptable credit history. Information on how to apply for deferred payment is supplied with the registration packet. A finance charge of 3/4 of 1% will be calculated on all unpaid balances as of the last business day of each month after all credits, charges, and payments have been applied.
Any student whose account becomes delinquent, or who is in any manner indebted to the University, may be withdrawn from classes at the University's discretion or denied enrollment in the University. All University records, including transcripts and diplomas, will be removed from active records and withheld until full payment of the account is made.
A student who officially drops a class during the first week of the session will be entitled to a full refund of tuition and fees, with the exception of the new student application fee. A student who drops during subsequent weeks will be refunded at the rates reported in the Session’s “Schedule of Classes”.
To be considered official, the class drop must be in writing and signed by the student requesting the drop; no drop is accepted verbally. The official date of the drop is the date the written notice is formally received by the University, NOT the postmark date or the date stated in the notice. The University's record concerning a drop is indisputable unless the student can provide reliable evidence of an earlier receipt date.
An official drop may be submitted by completing the Change of Schedule form located in the Schedule of Classes or online or by written notice containing the student's name and signature, ID number, and course to be dropped. The notice may be faxed, mailed, or hand delivered to the University. (Refer to the University Technologies section in the University Catalog.) For the student's convenience, the notice may be submitted in the Advising Office or placed in one of the designated drop boxes located inside and outside the facility.
Students may pay their institutional charges with a check or credit card. However, in the event a check is not honored by the bank on which it is written or a credit card authorization is rejected, the student will be immediately notified and assessed a handling fee. The student will be given 10 days to make the payment good. If payment is not made when requested, the student's entire account balance becomes due and payable and the student is subject to immediate suspension. The University reserves the right to specify what method of payment (personal check, cash, money order, valid credit card, etc.) will be required of each student. Excessive amounts of change or currency, or two-party checks will not be accepted. The University does not cash checks for personal needs, accept checks that are postdated, or give cash back on checks that are for amounts greater than the amount owed.
All records of academic performance are provided to students on official University marked paper each session and the student is expected to keep all official University records in a safe place. The University maintains duplicate copies of student records that are the property of Amberton University and are maintained or disposed of in whatever way the University deems appropriate. The University has determined that it has no responsibility or obligation to maintain the academic records of a person declared financially delinquent. Any student who is declared delinquent in payment of his/her financial account will have his/her academic records expunged. All obligations owed or deemed appropriate by the University must be satisfied before the University will consider restoration of expunged records. Students should contact the Business Services Office to discuss University records and financial obligations.