Number: 20


Subject: Due Process:  Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees of Amberton University is self perpetuating. A Board member is elected for a three (3) year period.  During the three year period of service, a Board member may be removed by: (1) automatic removal by reaching the age of seventy-five, (2) automatic removal for missing two convened Board meetings in succession, or (3) by cause (cause may include any misfeasance or any improper moral, business, or legal entanglements). Any action calling for the removal of a Board member must be initiated by resolution of the Board when meeting in legal session, and any Board member being considered for removal for cause must be given written notice at least ten days prior to a called meeting of the Board.  Since a legal meeting of the Board requires notice to all members and a quorum, any Board member being considered for removal for cause is entitled to be present and voice his/her opinions as an equal member. The majority judgment of the Board is final.