Number: 253
Employees with life-threatening
illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and AIDS, often wish to continue
their normal pursuits, including work, to the extent allowed by their
condition. Amberton University supports these endeavors as long as
employees are able to meet acceptable performance standards. As in the case of
other disabilities, Amberton
University will make reasonable accommodations in
accordance with all legal requirements, to allow qualified employees with
life-threatening illnesses to perform the essential functions of their jobs.
Medical information on individual
employees is treated confidentially. Amberton University will take reasonable precautions to protect
such information from inappropriate disclosure. Managers and other employees
have a responsibility to respect and maintain the confidentiality of employee
medical information. Anyone inappropriately disclosing such information is
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Employees with questions or concerns
about life-threatening illnesses are encouraged to contact the University’s
Chief Personnel Officer for information and referral to appropriate services
and resources.