Number: 6


The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the corporation and educational institution known as Amberton University. The Articles of Incorporation and the institution's Bylaws establish the corporative authority of the University.  The “Policies and Regulations Manual” and the “Amberton University Catalog” identify the policies and regulation of the University.  The “Policies and Regulations Manual” basically address the rights and responsibilities of the Amberton University employee within the University.  The “Amberton University Catalog” defines the rights and responsibilities of the academic student who applies, enrolls and/or pursues academic training through Amberton University.

The Board of Trustees of Amberton University shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer of the corporation and educational institution. Except in unusual circumstances, policy formulation will be the responsibility of the CEO, with all recommendations presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. The Board, however, maintains the authority and prerogative to initiate action in reviewing or developing policy. The CEO shall be responsible for developing and implementing such regulations and procedures as required to fulfill policy guidelines.

The following guidelines are designed to clarify the differences between policies, regulations, and procedures:

Policies:  Policies declare broad organizational objectives, or they declare general expectations designed to insure that organizational activities and objectives are consistent with goals. Policies are general guidelines to organizational behavior and provide operating perimeters within which goals are made and decisions are to be made.  The Board of Trustees is the authority for all policies.

Regulations:  Regulations are rules or principles designed to control or govern actions and behavior in accordance with policies. For the most part, regulations are enacted by the administration in conformity to policies declared by the Board.

Procedures:  Procedures are more specific guidelines or directions for performing or effecting designated objectives. Procedures outline steps or define manners for fulfilling designated organizational objectives.