Number: 415




The faculty of Amberton University will be divided into three academic divisions:


I.   Business Administration

II.  Human Development and Counseling

III. Interdisciplinary Studies


The personnel, degree programs and curriculum will be under the auspices of each academic division as follows:

I.   Business Administration

A.   Faculty Personnel

     All faculty authorized to teach Business Administration courses (see "C" below for disciplines).


B.   Degree Programs

     (See University Catalog for list of degrees)


C.   Course Disciplines


1.   Accounting (ACC)

2.   Business  (BUS)

3.   Economics  (ECO)

4.   Finance  (FIN)

5.   Management  (MGT)

6.   Management Information Systems  (MIS)

7.   Marketing  (MKT)


II.  Human Development and Counseling


A.   Faculty Personnel

     All faculty authorized to teach Human Development and/or Counseling courses (see "C" below for disciplines).


B.   Degree Programs

    (See University Catalog for degrees)


C.   Course Disciplines


1.   Counseling  (CSL)

2.   Human Behavior and Development  (HBD)

3.   Psychology  (PSY)

4.   Sociology  (SOC)


III. Interdisciplinary Studies


A.   Faculty Personnel

All faculty authorized to teach interdisciplinary study courses (see "C" below for disciplines).


B.   Degree Programs


1.   BA Professional Development

2.   BS Applied Studies

3.   BS Human Relations and Business

4.   MS Human Relations and Business

5.   MS Human Resources Training and Development

6.   MS Human Resource Management

6.   MS Professional Development


C.   Course Disciplines


1.   Communication  (COM)

2.   English  (ENG)

3.   History  (HIS)

4.   Human Resources and Training  (HRT)

5.   Humanities  (HUM)

6.   Mathematics  (MAT)

7.   Religion/Ethics  (REL)

8.   Required Graduate Studies (RGS)

9.   Science (SCI)




Each spring, following contract renewals, the Chief Academic Officer will divide the full-time faculty into academic divisions (Business, Human Development and Counseling, and Interdisciplinary).  The CAO will also appoint Division Chairs to oversee each academic division.  After consulting with the Chief Academic Officer, the Division Chairs will meet with each full-time faculty member in their respective division and assign the responsibility of degree program coordination. The Program Coordinators, working with the Division Chairs, have the responsibility of oversight of each of the University’s degree programs.  Oversight includes program assessment, development, and making recommendations for program improvements.  Division Chairs are responsible for the academic development (curriculum/programs) of their respective division.



The Division Chairs will work with the Chief Academic Officer in performing the following duties:


*    Keep abreast of external as well as internal plans and developments that impact their academic division and inform fellow faculty of such plans and developments.

*    Maintain open lines of communication between the faculty and administration.

*    Coordinate curriculum and program development, assessment, revision, and growth in the division.

*    Recommend improvements or changes in order to meet the changing needs of students and graduates.

*    Serve on the Curriculum Committee to advise the Director of the Library in developing academic resources.