Number: 234


Amberton University Wireless Network Acceptable Use Policy

The Amberton University Wireless Network (AU Wi-Fi) is the on-campus wireless internet network for both the Garland Campus and Frisco Center.  Through AU Wi-Fi, students, faculty, and staff can access the Internet.  Access to AU Wi-Fi is a privilege and not a right.  All students, faculty, and staff are expected to practice responsible computing and to adhere to these requirements for acceptable use when accessing AU Wi-Fi:

1. Users are prohibited from using AU Wi-Fi in a way that violates state or federal law or violates the policies of Amberton University.

2. Access to AU Wi-Fi is controlled by use of a pass code.  Only authorized students, faculty, and staff will be given access to the pass code.  Users are not to share the pass code with unauthorized users.  Pass codes can and will be changed without prior notice.  Authorized users may obtain a valid pass code in the Library Resource Center – Garland Campus, Student Services – Garland and Frisco.

3. The AU Wi-Fi System is for Amberton University-related use only.  It is not to be used for any commercial purpose or to host data services for other individuals or groups.

4. Users are not to attempt to deceive others regarding their identity in electronic communications.  Attempts to harass, threaten, or intimidate other individuals through use of AU Wi-Fi will not be tolerated.

5. Users are not to access or attempt access to accounts, files or other information belonging to Amberton University or other AU Wi-Fi users or internet users without explicit consent. 

6. Users are required to comply with United States copyright law and the copyright policy of Amberton University.  Copying, downloading, or electronic transfer of copyrighted materials without the authorization of the copyright owner is against the law and may result in civil and criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment. 

7. Users are expected to maintain and use an up to date virus software package on all computers used to access AU Wi-Fi.  Any attempt to spread or introduce viruses to the system will be considered a violation of the Amberton University Code of Ethical Conduct.

8. Network capacity is limited.  If your AU Wi-Fi connection uses excessive bandwidth, sends disruptive signals, or violates any of the above policies, it will be subject to disconnection.  Any use or misuse of the connection that constitutes a violation of Amberton University regulations may result in administrative or disciplinary action, including probation, suspension, or expulsion.


Security Monitoring


AU Wi-Fi is subject to monitoring for security, legal or trouble-shooting purposes.  This may include monitoring for bandwidth usage, security related incidents, or a request from legal/law enforcement authorities.  In addition, Amberton University reserves the right to scan the network to assist in identifying and protecting against exploitable security vulnerabilities in efforts to preserve network integrity. 


Policy Changes


The AU Wi-Fi Acceptable Use Policy is subject to change without notice.