Number: 417
The responsibilities of the faculty are among those many areas of university life which have for generations been a part of the unwritten code of scholars. However, as a dynamic institution, it is appropriate to set forth these responsibilities in a more formal statement. The provisions of such a statement are so reasonable to learned and civilized people that it may appear redundant to state them. However, the University conceives them to be so important that the performance of the faculty in meeting the provisions of this code shall be taken into consideration in determining employment contracts and salary increases.
The faculty of Amberton University is composed of two complementary groups of talented professionals. A cadre of full-time professional educators provides balance and continuity. Academic breadth and specialized expertise is added by a corps of adjunct faculty serving on specific temporary appointments.
Amberton University strives to provide education in an atmosphere consistent with the ethical standards and principles set forth in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. The maintenance of high standards of personal behavior is essential to the preservation of the academic and moral atmosphere of the University. Personal integrity and high moral standards are expected of all instructors and considered an intricate part of the educational process.
All instructors authorized to teach at Amberton University are selected because of their academic credentials, professional experience, and personal character. Instructors at Amberton University are considered uniquely qualified, not only to render objective and subjective judgment on the academic performance of students, but also upon the student's personal character. Both factors, intelligence and character, will be considered in awarding the student a grade or degree from Amberton University.
The instructor will use his/her skills, integrity, intelligence and professional experience in determining the best way to disseminate knowledge to the students over whom he/she has trust. To fulfill the obligation of disseminating relevant and pertinent information to the student, the following minimum responsibilities and specifications are to be followed:
1. Each faculty member is expected to meet classes regularly and at scheduled times. In case of illness or any other emergency that may prevent the instructor from conducting class, the instructor will report the situation to the Chief Academic Officer prior to the time of class.
2. At the beginning of the semester, the instructor is responsible for stating clearly the objectives of the course and will orient the content of the course to the course competencies approved by the University.
3. The instructor is responsible for informing the student of the method to be employed in determining the final grade in the course, and the instructor will utilize a grading methodology that supports the integrity of the grading system and differentiates between excellent, good, average, and poor.
4. Examinations and assignments will be graded within sufficient time to make the exercise a part of the student's learning experience, and the instructor will keep graded examinations and assignments (paper and electronic) and will, upon request, make them available to the Chief Academic Officer or the student for inspection.
5. An office has been provided for each instructor in order that he may meet with students outside the classroom for private discussions. Each instructor is expected to provide and post times for private discussions with students.
6. Each instructor is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of a course outline clearly showing information covered during the session. A complete file of the course outline, examinations used, assignments required, assessment instruments used, and the grade report will be forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer at the close of the semester. Faculty is responsible for the accurate and timely production of all course materials for classroom and on-line use.
7. All full-time instructors will be technologically qualified to teach distance learning classes, and the instructor will have demonstrated technological competency by being technologically certified by the University to offer distance learning classes and to assist the part-time faculty with distance learning needs. All instructors teaching distance learning classes will have demonstrated competency in directing distance learning classes by developing a “study guide” for learning in addition to the general course syllabus. All faculty certified to teach online will adhere to Amberton University’s “Principles of Good Practice” (See Regulation 633.)
8. In addition to teaching, each instructor is expected to serve on committees of the University when needed and to attend scheduled meetings of the faculty.
9. The graduation of students is one of the most important events in the academic year. It represents the recognition of a student's achievement. Because of the significance of the occasion for the student and the institution, all faculty members are expected to attend Amberton’s graduation exercises.
groups of highly specialized and competent professionals comprise the full-time
faculty of Amberton University: Faculty Council Members and Dedicated
Faculty. (See Regulation 412 for a
discussion of the Faculty Council and member responsibilities.)
Faculty Council Member is defined as a full-time
faculty member with the primary role of developing courses/programs, voting on
academic matters, recommending academic policies and procedures, teaching
courses each academic session, serving on standing committees and overseeing a
program for assessment purposes.
Dedicated Faculty Member is defined as a full-time
faculty member with the primary role of assisting in developing
courses/programs, teaching courses each session and overseeing a program for
assessment purposes.
1. Both groups of full-time faculty bear a special responsibility for participating in the development, assessment, and continuation of the programs of the University. Members of the Faculty Council take on additional responsibilities including but not limited to serving on standing and task force committees, self-study groups, and leading special projects.
2. The full-time faculty is responsible for providing leadership in the development, maintenance, assessment, and improvement of the academic programs and curriculum of the University. The curriculum, as described here, includes both individual courses offered for credit and undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The responsibility for leadership includes providing objective evaluation of proposed changes and implies active participation in the development of new courses and programs and the overall assessment process of academic programs as well as the revision of existing courses and programs.
3. The full-time faculty is expected to practice "creative scholarship." This area of responsibility may involve research for publication, advanced study, development of new teaching techniques and/or instructional materials as well as other examples of scholarship. Inherent to meeting this responsibility are the processes of discovering or communicating knowledge and of subjecting one's ideas to the evaluation of one's peers. Professional development funds are available for all full-time faculty.
4. The full-time faculty has a responsibility to enhance their professional stature and expertise. Each instructor is expected to add to his/her ability as a student of his/her discipline, as a scholar, as a technology user, and as an instructor on a continuing basis.
5. The full-time faculty is responsible for assisting in the recruitment, orientation, development, and evaluation of adjunct faculty.
6. The full-time faculty is responsible for engaging in effective communication with the Administration, the Chief Academic Officer, other faculty members and students in a professional manner that furthers the goals and mission of Amberton University.