The Amberton University Library shall be continuously developed and maintained as a resource center that supports the academic programs and interests of the Amberton University community. Library programs shall use and help teach the use of technology which is infused into, and supports, the curriculum. The library programs shall also help teach students to access, evaluate and use information as an information-literate person, a lifelong learner.
GOAL 1. STAFFING: To provide the staffing necessary to implement the programs and services of the Amberton University Library.
The success of a library ultimately depends on the quality and number of personnel responsible for the programs. A well educated, highly motivated professional staff, adequately supported by technical and clerical staff, is critical to the endeavor. A capable clerical support staff is responsible for certain daily operations that ensure that the professional staff has time to work as information specialists and resource developers.
The library shall:
· maintain the services of a sufficient number of certified librarians and staff personnel to provide adequate library services.
· provide continuous library training to new and current personnel to remain up-to-date in skills and services rendered.
· assure that technical support is available as needed to maintain services.
· maintain a system of materials selection and acquisitions to support the continuous development of the library’s resources.
GOAL 2. TEACHING: To provide an effective student learning environment through a collaborative process between library personnel and the teaching faculty.
Librarians contribute unique expertise to all who are involved in the teaching and learning processes of Amberton University. Many benefits to student learning occur when professors and librarians work together, synthesizing their own specialized skills to collaborate for student achievement. Activities and programs are designed with available resources in mind and the library collection is developed specifically to support the curriculum.
The library shall:
· maintain professional librarians with faculty status.
· provide direct library support for curriculum development.
· remain directly involved in technology planning.
· provide library usage skills to all students.
GOAL 3. RESOURCES AND SERVICES: To ensure that all students at Amberton University have access to adequate and effective library resources and services.
Library resources exist to serve all students and faculty. The library is responsible for developing its collection and services according to the academic programs approved by the faculty and sustained by students.
The library shall:
· provide an automated circulation system, an electronic catalog, and a security system adequate to protect the collection.
· work with the faculty in selecting materials and providing services.
· determine quantities of materials and services needed based upon student usage and demand.
· annually inventory the collection and other resources to screen for timeliness, relevance, condition of materials or losses that should be targeted for attention.
GOAL 4. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: To provide appropriate facilities and equipment to meet the learning and teaching needs of the University’s community.
The library requires appropriate facilities and equipment to meet the needs of its programs. As a resource center that serves every student, the library shall provide adequate space and equipment to meet student needs. The library shall be attractive and so organized as to enhance constituent usage.
The library shall:
· assure that the facility’s ambiance, equipment, and resources actively promote learning.
· maintain and upgrade the facility and equipment to ensure use for students with special needs.
A library is integral to learning and teaching and cannot exist without an institutional vision and administrative support. Administrative commitment is evident by providing adequate facilities, personnel, funds, policies, planning, and ongoing assignments that help the library in achieving its purpose.
The library shall:
· keep administrators aware of the programs, needs, achievements, and challenges of the library.
· anticipate proactive help needed from the administration in meeting library requirements.
· develop a procedure to document its needs and accomplishments throughout the year.
· evaluate its collection, programs, facility, and staff annually.
The University’s library holdings are to reflect the curriculum of the institution. The development of the library will rely upon the talents of both professional librarians and the faculty. The faculty will be expected to regularly provide the curriculum bibliography information needed for the development of the library and the library’s professional staff will keep careful and detailed inventories of resources relative to each discipline.
The following procedures will be utilized by the library to assist in its development:
I. Collection Evaluation: Annually, the library staff will inventory the collection of the library. The inventory will be of such a definitive nature that the information provided will enable those involved in the acquisition process to determine general weaknesses in holdings that must be given special attention.
II. Collection Development.
A. Requests for materials: Anyone associated with the University may initiate a proposal for a library acquisition. The proposal may be initiated by forwarding the following information to Library staff:
1. Title of book being requested.
2. Author.
3. Additional bibliographic information (publisher, date).
4. Reason for recommending the book (area of emphasis or course it supports)
5. Name of requester.
B. Acquisitions: Upon receiving a request for an acquisition, the librarian will determine whether the acquisition will complement current holdings. If it is so determined and department funds are available, the acquisition will be ordered. If the library director questions the merits of a selection, he/she may present the request and evaluation to the Academic Dean or Program Coordinators for review and recommendation.