Number: 437
Any class meeting involving a speaker not employed by Amberton University must have the approval of the Chief Academic Officer prior to the extension of an invitation. Normally, the recommendation should be submitted by the faculty member at least two weeks in advance of the desired date to allow time for reviewing the merits of the request and for scheduling. Nothing is official until the event has been cleared.
The University deeply appreciates outstanding community, state and national leaders giving of their time to discuss issues with students. All guest speakers are entitled to an academic atmosphere where s/he and the student can exchange information, positions, and ideas in a student-professional atmosphere. It is the University's desire and obligation to protect the special academic atmosphere of open discussions and free disclosures that should exist at the University. To protect both the speaker and student during such an exercise, the University will not solicit or encourage outside news media, special interest groups, or non-students that might interfere with the dialogue between the speaker and the students.
Unless requested by both the classroom instructor and guest speaker and approved by the CAO, no classroom will be open to outside agencies, groups, or individuals. No recording of a guest speaker is allowed without first obtaining permission from the CAO, classroom instructor, and the guest speaker.