Number: 433
In order to remain current and dynamic in the disciplines taught, the faculty is expected to engage in continuous scholarly development. The scheduling of classes at Amberton University and the average workload of the faculty are so structured that there is ample time for the faculty to participate in professional development activities.
The faculty is expected to continuously hone teaching skills for both lecture and distance learning classes. Skill in developing, organizing and disseminating information is critical to the teaching profession and the faculty will seek innovative teaching methodologies to meet the ever changing needs of students.
The faculty not only has the Amberton University library and its research resources available (print and online), but during the academic year classes meet for only 40 weeks per year. The remaining 12 weeks per year leave the faculty free from classroom responsibilities and free to travel, attend meetings, read, engage in research, and/or write.
Each fiscal year the University budgets funds to help the faculty with scholarly development. While the funds may be used for many diverse activities, one objective must always prevail: the activity must result in scholarly development relative to disciplines taught (or to be taught) at Amberton University.
A faculty member seeking scholarly development should complete the proper forms available in the Chief Academic Officer’s Office.