Number: 65
All Endowment Funds of Amberton University are restricted and under the auspices of the Board of Trustees. While the Board empowers the University’s President to oversee the management and investment of Endowment Funds, special approval must be given by the Board before any Endowment Funds and/or such investments are liquidated or transferred to any agency or person(s) other than Amberton University.
While all interest, dividends, and income from Endowment Fund investments will be processed through the Current Fund and viewed as a part of annual income, no part of Endowment funds will be transferred to another University Fund group, agency, or individual without Board approval. The University may not withdraw funds from Endowment without Board approval.
The Board encumbers the President and Chief Financial Officer of the University, individually and collectively, to inform the Board immediately of any attempts to convert or transfer Endowment Funds outside of the normal financial management of Endowment Funds and such investments.