Number: 640
The purpose of this policy is to establish and promote the ethical, legal, and secure use of computing and electronic communications for all members of the Amberton community. This policy will be reviewed annually by the Offices for Strategic Planning and Administrative Services.
The use of the University’s computer, network and system services are considered extraneous to the educational process and the University is not obligated to provide such services or to maintain such services. Students taking distance-learning courses may be directed to utilize alternative communication systems (mail/telephone/email providers/etc.) at the discretion of the University.
Privacy and Access
The University may find it necessary to access and disclose information from computer and network users to the extent required by law or to uphold legal agreements or University policies, and to diagnose and correct problems in network or systems performance. Because of this, no user of Amberton computing resources or electronic communications systems should consider their messages or files private. In addition, because of the volatile nature of digital information, and the possibility of system failures, and possible software or hardware problems, no user should consider that their messages or files are secure or preserved.
The diversity of information published and available on the Internet includes controversial material. Amberton believes that access to valuable information and interaction on a global scale outweighs the possibility of encountering material that is inconsistent with the University’s purpose. Therefore, the University assumes no responsibility for monitoring or restricting access to material freely published on the Internet. The University does, however, reserve the right to limit access to its networks and computers, and to limit access to or remove links and materials stored on University computers and networks as deemed appropriate by the University.
Reporting Violations
Anyone who observes or experiences a violation of Amberton’s policies on computing and electronic communications should report the violation to the Chief Technology Officer. Violations will generally be treated in the same manner as violations of other University policies. If violations appear to constitute a criminal offense, as defined by local, state, or federal statutes, the appropriate authorities will be notified.
Responsible and Acceptable Use
Amberton University owns and operates the campus network to provide services that directly support the educational goals of the University. No user may use these services for commercial ventures, political causes, outside organizations, solicitation, or any venture not directly related to the educational mission of Amberton University.
The use of Amberton’s computer and/or network services is governed by policies prohibiting any type of harassment (sexual, racial, political, religious or national origin) or any other type of abusive behavior. All such violations shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
Use of any copyrighted material, whether text, digital image, audio, or video, via the University’s network and/or systems is subject to all restrictions imposed by the copyright law. Individual users will be held accountable for violating copyright restrictions or Amberton’s copyright policy.
Amberton purchases site licenses for software used on campus machines and on its networks. Individuals who knowingly make, acquire, or use unauthorized software on Amberton University’s premises or equipment shall be subject to immediate disciplinary action.
Users are responsible for maintaining current virus protection on their systems, and for implementing virus checks of any downloaded files from Amberton. Users who do not follow these procedures and/or who knowingly spread computer viruses shall be subject to disciplinary action. Deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt Amberton’s computers, network and/or systems will be viewed as criminal activity under applicable state and federal law.
Any user may be denied access to Amberton’s computers, networks, and/or systems when, in the judgment of the University, the user is a security risk, unqualified, or unfit to use such services. Any user who attempts to deceive others regarding his/her identity in electronic communications, including the submission of coursework, will be denied access to Amberton’s computers, networks and/or systems. Any user who, by disclosing his/her login information to another person, attempts to deceive others will be denied access to the University’s computers, networks and/or systems. Any user who attempts to use the University’s technologies in an unauthorized manner is subject to disciplinary action.