Number: 860
The students of Amberton University,
being adults who for the most part take only three hours per session, have
expressed little interest in forming a traditional student government
structure. This is not to say that students are not interested in the
operations and development of the institution. However, participation by
students is more through the process of committees and/or special task force
groups than through a formalized student government structure.
Because of the mature nature of the
University's students, their participation in the decision making process is
critical to the development of the institution. Therefore, the following
guidelines will be observed:
* There will be student participation on all
major discrimination appeal committees.
* Before the development of a new degree or
program, in addition to community, alumni and professional advisory committees,
the University will convene a student committee that will be allowed to provide
input and recommendations.
* Students will evaluate each instructor and
course each session.
* Graduating students will provide an
"overall" appraisal of the University and its programs through the
graduate's questionnaire.
* Surveys and questionnaires will be provided
periodically for student participation relative to all major development trends
* New students will be asked to complete a
questionnaire providing the University with insight as to why they chose