The protection and security of financial aid records follow the same confidentiality procedures established for the protection of all student records at Amberton University. Amberton University ensures the confidentiality of student educational records in accordance with Amberton University policies and procedures and state and federal laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
To protect student privacy, all records and conversations between the student and the Office of Financial Aid are confidential. No public announcement shall be made of need-based amounts awarded to students. No information concerning the students’ financial aid records will be released to anyone outside of the Financial Aid/Business/Administrative Services Offices without the student’s permission in accordance with FERPA. If the student wants information released, a letter of consent must be submitted.
Active Records
The Financial Aid Office maintains a master record for each student receiving financial assistance. All financial aid folders are retained for three years after the student’s last session of attendance. Any records involved in any claim or expenditure, which has been questioned by the annual federal audit, are retained until the question is resolved.