Per federal regulations (34 CFR Section 668.2) repeated coursework that falls under the following conditions cannot be included in a student’s enrollment status for federal aid eligibility. This regulation will also include federal, state, and institutional funding.
Federal aid is calculated according to need and the student’s adjusted enrollment status.
Recalculation will be applied regardless of whether a student received aid for previous courses and is based solely on how many times a course has been taken and passed.
Example 1:
A student is taking a previously passed 3 credit hour course for the third time. The student is enrolled in a total of 12 credit hours for the term. Per federal regulations, the repeated course must be excluded from the student’s aid eligibility. Only 9 of the student’s 12 hours can be used to calculate aid eligibility. The student’s aid will be adjusted to ¾ time instead of full-time enrollment.
Example 2:
A student repeats a previously passed course. The student receives an F on the second attempt. The student attempts the course for the third time. The third course attempt will not be counted in total enrollment hours for financial aid.
Example 3:
A student repeats a previously passed course. The student withdraws from the course on the second attempt. The student attempts the course for the third time. The third course attempt will not be counted in total enrollment hours for financial aid.