Number: 807
Amberton University is not an all-purpose educational
institution attempting to meet the needs of the general public. Amberton University is a private, specialized
upper-division and graduate institution catering exclusively to mature, working
adults who seek a relevant educational opportunity absent of the social
trappings--dormitories, athletics, fraternities, sororities, bands, etc.--found
at more traditional institutions.
Individualism is paramount to an
understanding of the philosophy of Amberton
University. Each student
is considered a unique individual, divinely created, and capable of becoming
better each day. Amberton
University will never
combine students into general groups, nor will the University respond to
petitions or group demonstrations that diminish individualism. The University
is committed to academic excellence rooted in personal integrity. All Amberton University personnel are Christians, and
the University will maintain the highest standards of Christian ethics and
morality in dealing with its students.
Admission: Minimally, a person seeking admission to
Amberton University must be a mature adult with employment experience, fluent
in writing and speaking English, and must provide acceptable transfer work from
an accredited institution. The Amberton University
student is also expected to have reasonable computer
literacy skills and knowledge.
Attendance: Attendance at Amberton University
is a privilege, not a right. If, in the judgment of
the University, a student's academic performance or personal conduct is
substandard, the University retains the right to deny the student further
Cost: Because of the no-nonsense approach to
education and the technology employed, Amberton University is and should
continue to be one of the most inexpensive private institutions available to
its constituency.
Financial: The student is personally responsible for
paying all educational costs incurred while attending Amberton University.
Although the University’s philosophy is that students should “pay as you
go” and minimize long-term debt, Amberton does participate in Title IV Federal
Financial Aid, including direct loans, and private educational loans. Amberton
University encourages students to use good judgement and to only borrow what
they need. For students needing payment options, the University offers deferred
payment plans. All payment options are listed on the University’s website.
Personal: Amberton
University believes that
talent without discipline is useless, and knowledge without character is
perilous. The University operates on an honor system,
and honesty and integrity are essential characteristics of all employees and
students associated with the institution. Because the University's reputation
is ultimately determined by those who earn a degree, Amberton University
will insist upon evidence of personal integrity in addition to academic
excellence. The personal integrity of a student will be proven by the student's
ability to handle his academic, financial, and personal affairs in a
straightforward manner consistent with the rules and regulations outlined in
the catalog.